This blog brought to you by MY TEXT BRAIN (and yours too… don’t deny. I know these things): ME: dremt bout u lst nite. INSERT SEXY MUSIC… ME: HOT
HIM: ? wtf? HIM: need 411 ME: u+me. nkky. steamy
HIM: wow. PAUSE… HIM: comin ovr ME: can’t. INSERT RECORD SCRATCH… MUSIC STOPS. ME: work. 🙁 HIM: dude… PAUSE…. INSERT SEXY MUSIC. HIM: later? ME: 4 sure. call me. xo HIM: 4 sure. HIM: cnt wait ————– OMG people (and please don’t tell me you don’t know what OMG stands for)! What has become of us? HA! I think it may be time for a good classic novel, like maybe “Pride & Prejudice” or something, to get me back to the roots of the English language. That or maybe a little sumpin’ sumpin’… (after reading that text… wow…).. The point? If you don’t keep up with the LINGO, you don’t get no sexy MINGLE!! Get it! ha ha… Enjoy your weekend lovely people! I’m still workin’ on that FUN video about my trip to Houston. Haven’t forgotten! Stay tuned! Love you people!!! Mmmmmppphhhuuuuhhhhh!! xoxo, Ms. Cheevious ——————- Don’t be Shy! Leave a Reply! Register to receive these posts via email! Go to the Ms. Cheevious Home page, and enter your email address where it asks for it, then click subscribe. It’s that easy! Follow me on Twitter. “LIKE” me on Facebook (This way I can say “You LIKE me! You really, really LIKE me!”). Subscribe to me on Youtube. (Then please also “like” and “favorite” my videos! YAY!) You can also follow my man M.C. Nugget on Twitter Blog content copyright 2011, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
Single Women
On Getting Freebies
Are you kidding? Lemme just say that Ms. Cheevious is all about the freebies lately, kiddos.
When it seems that all people can talk about is “doom and gloom” incessantly, at some point ya’ gotta cry “UNCLE!” and run – don’t walk – for the nearest free thing that crosses your path!
I’m not kidding folks – at least not about the plethora of free stuff out there. In this day and age, with taxes climbing, salaries stalled or disappearing, and people tightening their purse strings to the point of asphyxiation, any leg up is a welcome friend.
So, I’ve provided a list of some places that have dished out the free stuff recently. Why, you ask? Perhaps you are thinking, “WHY MS. Cheevious? Why must you TAUNT us with the freebies that cross your path? These things do not happen in (insert your city/town here)!” Well, I don’t buy it (ha ha – no kidding). You too can generate and be aware of FREE STUFF in your own backyard. But you gotta look for it and use a little ingenuity. You also have to be willing to GET OUT THERE. This, for some of you, is no small task. I know, I know. Sometimes it’s just easier to stay home and watch television and get comfortable. The idea of getting somewhat dressed up to get out there and indulge in a few free things at times can be a bit exhausting! Well, boo hoo hoo. Cry me a river. If you want the free stuff, you have to put in a little effort people! So here you go:
- MUSEUMS, GALLERIES, OTHER MISCELLANEOUS LOCALES: The surf shop down the block from M.C.’s house in Santa Monica set up a pickup truck with a barbecue grill on the back, and started handing out free hotdogs and hamburgers one Saturday. It didn’t take long for a line to form down the block, and for their shop to get all kinds of traffic as a result. I’ve also been to the mall before when other places were giving away pizza, free samples of yummy pretzels, or what-have-you. We will never starve in this great nation. THAT is for sure.
Also – Galleries and museums often provide free wine, champagne and hors d’oeuvres when they open a new exhibition or promote a new artist. Get on their list for their upcoming events! I’ve even attended a red carpet movie screening at a nearby gallery where they had exquisite appetizers and desserts as well as an open bar.
- MOVIE THEATRES. Speaking of movie screenings – check with your local theatres (or those in the biggest city nearby) to learn of any screenings, premieres, or other types of events. Often movie theatres will hold events you wouldn’t expect, and they’ll welcome you as well.
- GIFTING SUITES. Okay, so these are a rarety only afforded those celebrities and their friends or representatives that live near Hollywood/Beverly Hills and Manhattan (NY). But I tell you, we were given face products, jeans, shirts, dresses, gourmet anti-oxidant dark chocolates, cigars, spa/massage certificates, jewelry, liqueours and more. Actually, the amount of face products was astounding – and all were very exclusive – famous skin care lines. And not too soon, I must say. I’d JUST scraped the bottom of the barrel on some of my daily regemen, and was in no position to replace it, when I was given a mountain of products I could use. Life is good, I tell ya.
- PUBLICITY. So, not everyone wants this, but all you need to do these days is put together a youtube video, and post it – share it ad nauseum on every other social media site (twitter, Facebook, digg, linkedin and more). Also, show up where photographers are present to shoot an event or other somewhat “famous” person, and ask to be photographed (they love that)… then follow that up by asking where the photos might appear (so you can find them, and post them – ad nauseum – on every social media website) – and VOILA! You’ve just gotten some free publicity!
- CRAIGSLIST – I know. Why is craigslist on here? Thanks for asking. Because they allow me to post free ads for the rental of my condo (which has become inevitable at this moment in my life) and as a result of those ads, I will now be shacking up at M.C.’s beach pad for the summer. Yep I rented my place for the summer! Nothing better than FREE MORTGAGE – right?
- And now… drum roll… for the Mack-Daddy of All Free Things: FREE ADVICE. M.C. and I were walking along the beach in Santa Monica one Sunday, when low and behold, we saw a friend of ours (and movie maker) Emmett Loverde and his brother Paul. They set up a card table and four chairs with a couple of little table tent signs that read “FREE ADVICE.” This was just TOO hysterical! We decided to sit down and give it a whirl. I asked Emmett for advice as to what to do on a lovely Sunday afternoon on the strand in Santa Monica, and he threw this little golden nugget my way: “Set up a free advice table.” He assured me it was a fantastic way to meet new people, and some of them were hot, gorgeous people who may never come and sit down with you otherwise, except for the novelty of obtaining something free – and advice at that!
Only in Santa Monica, CA
So, there you have it people. Freebies galore. Go get ’em!
And, as you may have surmised, from my lack of postings lately, my blog has become a struggle to get out lately. I promise to be more timely and fastidious from now on. Stay tuned next time for more on the delightful, delectable, celebrity-filled happenings in sunny, beautiful California – through my eyes, of course!
Have an incredibly FREE week everyone!
Love you people! Mmmmmmmppphhhhuuuuhhh!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
I’m in Miami Bitch!
Before you get your panties in a bunch, just know I am quoting a very famous song by a VERY famous artist. You know the one “LMFAO”? Hasn’t everyone heard of him/her/them? Ha ha.
Well, chances are by the time you read this, I WILL be in Miami! Bee-otches! 🙂
M.C. Nugget bought the airline tickets the MOMENT his glorious Saints won the NFC Championship game. We don’t have Superbowl tickets, but we’ll be in the MIX baby! YAY!
So, today is Friday, and I am in a huge frenzy, of course to get everything done. And, being the consummate multi-tasker that I am, I’m not only writing my blog, but guess what? I’m training my new intern Chanda. Everyone say “hi” to Chanda – who is sitting here watching me type. lol
Chanda is also a blogger, and has recently made the transition from her old blogging format to a blog where she can post ads and things. I’m showing her how to do that. Pay her a visit at– and see what she’s got to say about getting and staying healthy if you have a thyroid condition. Yesterday’s post was about not using microwaves. I know. Fat chance here, but hey – if it will get you healthy, I’ll bring my Bunsen burner.
So anyhow, you can imagine what sort of frenzy I’m actually in, heading to Miami – the land of beautiful, tan bodies, and no fat. Hey – I’m all about that – but what to wear? I can’t just meander around Miami in Nuggie’s giant Saints Jersey all day. So I thought – ‘hey… maybe I can find a Saints bikini!’ ha ha. So, I perused this site that I always go to – and low and behold they had 10% off on all Roxy Swimwear. In case you are new (welcome, if so!), I wear Roxy bikinis and board shorts. Here’s a pic from me in Sayulita Mexico:
So without further adieu, here is the link to get your very own Roxy Bikini and whatnot (and trust me… I get a little somethin’ somethin’, but it won’t cost you any more than if you went there yourself)!
Insert shameless plug here: Get 10% off all Roxy swimwear and clothes at Code: Save 2009
As far as what we’ll be actually doing in Miami? Well, attending any party that will have us, of course, and causing all kinds of trouble! What else?
Stay tuned to hear all about it next week!
Okay – so back to my list of one thousand things to do now! Item number 3: Train Chanda the intern on inserting links into her blog. Check! Only 997 more to go!
That’s all I got for you people! If you happen to see me running around in Miami in a Saints bikini, well – say hi, would you! ha ha! GO SAINTS!
Have a fabulous Superbowl weekend everyone!
Love you people! Mmmmmmmphhhuuhhh!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
Single RULES in 2010
Okay everyone! Here’s a little bonus post to launch us into the new year. If you are new HERE – well, geez, WELCOME! I love that you’ve stopped by! Be sure and post something on your way out, would ya? Thanks! 🙂
So… here goes…
With the New Year now in full swing, (and after one of the toughest years for most everyone out there – both fiscally, and mentally – due to the barrage of garbage that was drilled into our brains – ad nauseum, infinitum – in the form of stupid statements like “the sucky economy” or “you know… they couldn’t hire so-n-so, because business is so bad”, and all manner of other trash-talk stuff), I decided it’s time to talk about being single. HA! HA!
I know. I know. Why talk about being single? Why such a departure from the whole “the economy sucks” rant? Well, it’s not such a departure. It’s actually related in a twisted sort of way. And besides, we all know that the neuro-paths in my brain are a little twisted, so try and keep up, would ya?
Basically – I KNOW for a fact that some of you out there worked yourselves up into little frenzies and created disappointing NYE’s for yourselves – all because you had a picture of what was suppose to happen when the clock struck midnight. Indulge me here:
If you’re a guy, admit it. You imagined that if things went your way, you were gonna’ be with one of the hottest girls around. You planned that if you did all the right things to romance her in the weeks, days and hours leading up to that midnight kiss on New Years Eve (open doors for her, help her with her jacket, take her out for drinks with your sacred inner circle of guy friends, make her feel special, even call to make sure she is safe at home if she drives on her own, etc… etc… blah, blah, blah) that you’d be sure to “get some.” Because in your mind the kiss was just the beginning. Mannn oh man, if you played your cards right you were gonna’ get some, and get some GOOD. You were gonna’ have some of your very own New Year’s Eve-fireworks. It didn’t matter that your girl was probably thinking as the two of you moved in for the kiss, that the two of you were “ushering in the New Year – together: Partners, walking hand-in-hand (together), into a sea of happiness… forging a future full of good memories… TOGETHER.” All you were thinking was, “Bring it on, baby! I’ve been working HARD for this night!” And that was about it!
So, do tell. How’d that work out for ya? Huh, guys?
And you girlie girls out there… those of you who are of the single variety. Yes, I am talking to you now. You who tried your hardest to have a date on New Year’s Eve, if only to relieve the stress or embarrassment of having no special “someone” to kiss at the strike of midnight. You know it’s true. If you aren’t in a relationship at the moment, you KNOW it was all only about that very moment… more-so than whether or not you really actually LIKED the guy. But worse, if you DID like the guy, you built that moment up into some incredibly heavily weighted moment, that no person can live up to. You imagined the two of you would smooch, share an intense emotional tie, and move forward into the new year as a newly bonded couple, and plan the days and weeks ahead together. And if you were flying solo on New Year’s Eve, out with the girls, you KNOW it was an important thing for most of you to find someone “suitable,” who you could flirt and play cat and mouse with, and then hopefully get a smooch out of it at midnight as well. Am I right?
So, fill us in. How’d it go?
I’m just sayin’ people. What the HECK is so wrong with being single? What the HECK would have been so bad about being at the bar, and NOT kissing anyone – except maybe good friends on the cheek, or whatever – when that clock struck midnight? How hard IS it REALLY to enjoy oneself as a single individual?
A very shrewd single gal said recently, “Being single is NOT a condition that needs a cure.”
And, please don’t preach to me about how I have M.C. Nugget, and perhaps I can’t relate, or whatever else you’d like to use to justify any sort of erratic obsessive-compulsive behavior. I’ve been single plenty in my life, and I am still single today. I am not engaged, or married, or in any sort of what most people would consider a “traditional” relationship. I too, realize I am not getting any younger, and old age is slowly working its way toward little ole’ me. Age spares no one. But I am only getting BETTER BABY. Age can come and kiss my cute little tuckus. HA! The fact that M.C. and I call each other boyfriend/girlfriend is really incidental, and it took us over nine months of dating to do so, as we were both so happy being single ourselves, that we didn’t want to “label” and ruin it! Yes, I loved being with him on New Year’s Eve and was very glad to kiss only him when the clock struck twelve. But that’s besides the point.
The fact is – I am so tired of people being so unhappy with their lot in life that they manipulate and commit all manner of craziness – all for the sake of “getting” happy, or “finding” happiness. Don’t you get it? You need to be happy with life as you ARE. Realize what a great person you ARE without anyone else. Put yourself in a position of power, so that you can pick and choose and be selective. Then, when that girl or guy comes along that is perfect for you, you’ll actually be capable of SEEING him or her when they are in FRONT of you!
So – my advice this year girls and boys? One guess. Get happy being you – all alone. Get to know yourself and fall in love with who you are – what makes up everything about you. If you have work to do on you – DO IT. YOU are WORTH it. Get in shape, lean out those bodies, or get a massage… whatever works for you. But GET HAPPY WITH YOU – all by your lonesome. Then and only then will you be ready – IF YOU WANT – to allow someone else into your great little life to participate!
Get it?
Now go out there and have some fun with your bad-ass self, would you? As I promised, my next regular post will dish on some really fantastic Hollywood events I’ve been able to take some clients to lately! Stay tuned!
Love you people! Mmmmmmmmphhhhuhhhhh!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
Left Boob, Right Hand
I slept really well last night. When my blackberry alarm went off at 7:45 am, which is later than I should have risen, I grabbed it, hit snooze and somehow, miraculously fell back into a deep sleep.
When I woke up – oh, a cool 15 minutes later, I was laying peacefully on my back. The first thing I noticed, however, was that my right hand had a pretty good hold of my left boob. And my arm wasn’t sore from clenching, no. It was sort of a peaceful, restful hold. I chuckled out loud.
First of all, I must address the chuckle. That my friends, is pretty good, because contrary to my normal inclinations, I’ve been waking up lately with worry and to-do lists on the brain, so the laughter was a welcome guest this morning. And people, I know this is an aside to that, but I want you to know that I ALREADY KNOW I shouldn’t be worrying, and have some serious meditation to do to get off my arse and start creating an incredible future. I knew some of you wouldn’t let that “worry” thing pass you by.
So, back to my story.
Talk about Girls Gone Wild! And I wasn’t even TRYING! Tell me people, what could it MEAN? Why is it that a girl wakes up peacefully holding her breast? I could NOT for the life of me get a “hold” of my breast while awake, without clenching or “grabbing.” Believe me! I tried to recreate it!
I know, I’m an odd one.
But apart from the dream I had last night, where I was dating a wild and crazy rock star (which – okay – I sort of AM), and the fact that a dream like that could elicit all manner of mayhem in my bed. Apart from that, why my boob? And why so peaceful? And why coffin-style?
Tell me, oh great dream interpreters, please! And does the meaning change if it was reversed? Right boob, left hand?
Am I reading too much into this? heh heh
I gotta say, this Halloween weekend is getting off to a jolly old wild and crazy little start.
I’m going to be an officer of the law, and I’ll be on patrol on Main Street in Santa Monica with my funny, sexy, handsome man M.C. Nugget (@EmceeNug on Twitter). He’s dressing as Fred the Wonder Chicken (remember him?) – dressed as a pirate. I wanted him to be my jailbird, but M.C. says he’ll be a criminal from a different era. I’ll be walking around saying things like “I’m gonna’ have to confiscate that yummy drink you just got” and stuff like that.
Here’s my costume – and YES – I am bringing my full-length coat so I don’t freeze.
And here is the picture from last year, with FWC and I dressed as Pirates. This will be Nuggie this year:
Stay tuned next week when I tell-all. Oh – and I’ll fill you in on the red carpet event I took my peeps to earlier this week!
Have a safe, fun, scary, ghostly time this weekend you gorgeous men and women!
Love you people! Mmmmmmmmphhhhuuuhhhhhhhh!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
Random LA Coolness
This week you are being treated to a very rare type of post for me, in which I provide a list of items and briefly touch on them. Rare, because I am quite verbose, and hey – I can’t say it all in a numbered list. Also, I don’t really organize my thoughts like that. Usually, something cool happens and I want to tell you all the details about the event, or the trip or whatever. I don’t like to keep people guessing about what happened, which is bound to happen when I simply “touch” on things. But alas, I do it from time to time, to give you all a break! Let’s be honest here, no one has time to read all this sh*t, right? Everyone and their friggin’ MOTHER has a blog now. How are you lovely people suppose to keep up? HA.
If you are new here, WELCOME! My blog is FUN, exciting, and dances along life’s edge, to say the least. I talk about sex, drugs, rock-n-roll. You name it! But not so much this week. It’s a LIST. Hard to be edgy when you are taking inventory!
So, I observed or participated in some cool things this week. Some of these cool things deserve more attention, and perhaps they’ll get their due another time, but until then, ENJOY my list of Random Coolness everyone!
1. I love it when my man Emcee Nugget suggests something to do, we do it, and we have a cool LA-style event land right in our laps. And – ehem – didn’t I just say last week that something would land in my lap and I would share with you? Well, don’t ever say I don’t deliver. We went to his neighborhood wine bar, Salute (it’s pronounced Salu-tay), and low and behold there was a super chic, model-infested fashion show about to start. Not only did we not know about it in advance, but because we got there early, we didn’t have to pay to get in, we got the most FANTASTIC seats at the bar (just where the runway ended), and we were SURROUNDED by sheer gorgeousness and the coolest fashions of the season! Top THAT! Ha!
2. Froggy’s Fish Market in Topanga Canyon is super COOL. It’s tucked away near the top of Topanga Canyon (above Malibu) and has really cool outdoor seating. We were there at night, and it felt like we were in the woods someplace else. You could hear crickets in the trees, and as we were walking to our cars, we looked up and could see a starry sky alongside a gorgeous crescent moon. Very cool, people!
3. The pilates style work out I do is exceptional. Originally founded by Sebastien Lagree and called Pilates Plus (now called SPX Fitness), it uses what he then called a Proformer (a seriously modified reformer, if you know pilates machines at all) to work your ass off (no pun intended) for about 50 minutes a class – and all while rockin’ out to pumping music. They are opening up all over the country and the world. Check his website to see if there is one near you. I go about five times a week to the Pilates Plus HBV (Hollywood, Brentwood & Venice). I love it! The result? Well, supposedly, long lean muscles and loss of cellulite. I think that’s happening, but all I really know for sure is something killer is happening to my abs, and I am liking the shape my body’s taking. THAT my friends (to actually LIKE your body), is very cool.
4. Walking in L.A. It’s uber cool, because, as Missing Persons once sang: “Nobody walks in LA!” But M.C. and I do it all the time! That’s right! We walk from his apartment to the Library Alehouse, then to the bar at the World Cafe, then to the bar at Chaya Venice (whatever we are in the mood for – sometimes many more), heh heh. But seriously – that’s why I love Main Street, Santa Monica. You really can walk just about anywhere. We walk to the beach, to the Santa Monica Pier, or along Main Street for shopping, etc. Sweet.
And that’s all folks! Those are ALL the things that are randomly cool in LA. Nothing else is cool. At least not here and now.
Stay tuned next week, where I’ll try to dispatch from NYC and share whatever interesting events take place. M.C. and I are flying out on Saturday.
Have a beautiful weekend my lovelies!
Love you people! Mmmmmmmmphhhhuuuhhhhh!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious