When Lisa Jey Davis (aka Ms. Cheevious) decides to tell her story of working in television as a single mom in Tinsel Town, she does it with loads of mischief, a ton of chocolate and an ounce of vodka. If you found yourself face-to-face with a very handsome and famous a-list actor… |
This book is a book that you DO more than you READ. Upon opening, you immediately begin to do Yoga! It provides detailed instruction along with clear photos of the very Yoga Practice taught by Lisa Jey Davis at the world renowned Aspen Club and… |
When Lisa Jey Davis went “sans ovaries” for medical reasons at the young age of 46, she was shocked (to say the least) to learn of the changes her body would undergo as a result. The fact she would need to replenish her body’s hormones was the extent of the information dolled out by her docs…. |
Enjoying Every Moment
I hope after reading any of my books, you’re nspired to pursue your dreams, and do it with PIZZAZZ. No matter how lofty they are – I hope you not only realize your heart’s desires, but surprise yourself by going above and beyond expectations. Even if you’ve suffered a divorce or any other of life’s great set backs – it is not the end of the road. Don’t ever give up! Watch for the publication and release of my upcoming book, “Getting Over Your Ovaries – How To Make the Change of Life Your BITCH.” In the meantime, you can read the blog – and if you subscribe, you will not only become a member of my Hollywood Insider Club, you’ll get my 5 Tips for Rocking Your Hollywood Mojo (for those of you who want to live and work in entertainment, or who simply want people to believe you’re the star that you are!), and you’ll get my infrequent musings on Hollywood and beyond, which should lift your spirits and give you a whole new outlook on life!