When M.C. Nugget and I first started dating, one of the key factors in solidifying our destiny as a couple was our mutual affinity for Jabba the Hutt (from Star Wars). We see Jabba as a chubby fatso who can eat anything (and as much as he wants) and not care, because dieting is most definitely not going to make him look good. Nothing can. We totally get it.
We also have a mutual love (or sickness, depending on how you look at it) for impersonating funny or quirky creatures and characters. I do a mean Jabba. I know where I got this weird trait – it runs in my nutty family. We’re all drama queens (and kings) and will put on a show for no good reason at the drop of a hat. I cannot speak for Nuggie. He’s an actor (maybe that is speaking for him).
Although I vowed to eat healthy during the holidays (which I’m doing extremely well at it, I might add), I did not promise to prepare healthy holiday foods for others. I have my limits. Everyone else is on their own. I can only see my healthy ideas and tips defaced and ignored before my eyes so many times, before I give up and begin to daydream of shoving the fudge and cookies into the mouth of the next person to explain why they aren’t making healthy choices… it can be discouraging.
The other side of the coin is that I too love my yummy treats and decadent foods. I am something of a cook savant in that I can eat something fabulous at a restaurant and recreate it with some good success on my own. This doesn’t always make for healthy dining, which is why I am on a healthy eating binge this holiday season. But it was a helluva good (or bad) eating run over the past six months.
But enough about ME! This is the Holidays! It’s Christmas! So in the spirit of Christmas, and in the spiriting of giving —
I went ballistic and baked the following decadent treats for two days straight: White, Milk and Dark Chocolate Fudge with Walnuts, Chocolate Chunk Cookies with both Cadbury Dairy Milk & Dove Milk Chocolate bar chunks (literally — the full squares are my chocolate chips) and walnuts, and Russian Tea Cakes (snowball shaped cookies full of butter, walnuts and powdered sugar).
Nuggie posted a DailyNugget earlier this week with all of the ingredients I used for this endeavor, to which someone said something like this on Facebook, “Hey Lisa, I seem to recall a post about your eating healthy these Holidays.”
You, my dear commenter are correct. I’m remaining healthy while I Jabba-up the rest of the world. Look out. Cuz here comes Jabba Claus.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy whatever you celebrate. Peace out.
No really — Peace, people.
PS) I have reserves, just in case…
While you’re at it, read my new article on the Huffington Post:
“Girls Night: Tips for Responsible and Healthy Holiday Imbibing“
about being responsible while you drink these holidays http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-jey-davis/girls-night-tips-for-resp_b_4470696.html:
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Blog content copyright 2014, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious.
cocktail photo credit:
Chuckumentary / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA
OMG! I already feel so bloated and Christmas Eve is tonight (party) and tomorrow Prime Rib, then our New Years Eve Party ….. ARGH! Oh well, January 2nd I will be ready LOL
You see? It’s never easy. BAHAHA!
Resonate completely! Food issues are always a problem this time of year!
Don’t we all James? Glad you enjoyed… but we can DO this, right?
You are so funny but this is so true, my weakness is dark chocolate! I guess this is why everyone goes on a diet after New Years! I always enjoy your posts. Happy New Year!
ahhhh.. thank you DAHLINK – Happy New Year to you and yours too. XO
Eating healthy. Yup. That was my mantra coming into the holiday season. I was down about 5 pounds and rather proud. Right before Christmas, I went to the dr and discovered I was down a total of 9 lbs. THEN my decided to make cookies, fudge, and other assorted yummies for the “kids” when they visited. Uh-huh. Yeah, right. I waver every time I enter the kitchen – sometimes I win, most of the time I lose. I will see what my results are AFTER the New Year. My will power tolerance is a -6 but I try!
Yeah – I was absolutely great until my sinus infection (remember the Nyquil post?) – reared its ugly head again… so I started eating comfort foods as I felt horrible. I’m now on antibiotics and am just working on getting better first. But you can do it Bob – keep going!
Good luck in your efforts! I look forward to hearing of your great success next time!
Thanks Lulu! Will let you know! Stay tuned!
YUM! Everything looks and sounds delicious. I am virtually eating my way through it all, maybe that’s the best way to cut calories 🙂
My restraint consists to limiting my cake intake to one piece per day until the cake is gone and only “bites” from everone elses serving of Rebekah’s Peanut Butter Puddles and Chocolate Raspberry Trifle birthday ice cream pie. I’m sure that’s a healthy approach!