#DailyMischief #TheFunny
The other day, as M.C. Nugget and I sauntered over to our local watering hole, I relayed a conversation I’d had with Brit (you may remember her from the book “Ms. Cheevious in Hollywood”).
She noticed her emotions were wacky, and attributed it to Mercury being in retrograde. I laughed at this.
SIDE NOTE: I always thought Mercury’s retrograde and the mayhem it causes only pertained to electronics. I wrote about that here. And I blogged once that I wondered whether Venus has its own retrograde, because when women go bat shit crazy, we can’t place the blame on Mercury, willy nilly.
I was wrong. But don’t get too excited. We can’t always blame Mercury. It’s not in retrograde in perpetuity, for goddsakes.
When Brit cried retrograde foul-play, she said she’d read up on it. So, I conducted my own research. I can’t just go with whatever everyone says. Even Brit, though I love her.
Mercury’s “retrograde” is actually discounted as ridiculous among scientists. They say, though it appears to be spinning backward, it’s an illusion. But proponents of this phenomena (when we can observe it supposedly spinning backward) say this illusion or reality, whatever the case may be, has an effect on the gravitational pull of the earth, which affects humans in many ways…along the lines of how we process everyday problems, come to conclusions, and produce solutions.
After telling him all of this, Nuggie asked with a little trepidation, “So….. are you experiencing some whacked out emotions?” then… “Is Mercury still in retrograde?“
I laughed, “Pffff! No… Mercury’s retrograde is probably finished by now. But I don’t need no stinkin’ Mercury. I’ve got my own personal retrograde going on here.”
It’s a thing. My own personal retrograde. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
And when we enter into another cycle of Mercury’s retrograde (supposedly around June 15th)… whoa… it could be downright scary.
Poor M.C. Nugget.
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Blog content copyright 2015, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms.Cheevious.
Mercury in Retrograde is a real thing! I looked it up too. But, it applies to everything – not just romantic relationships. It can apply to business and more! I read and article that advised not to make any big decisions during this time but it last for a few weeks! So, what if I had a really big decision to make? I can’t tell people in business that Mercury is in Retrograde! LOL!!!
I have witnessed this and she actually DOES spin backwards!
HAHAHA… Yup. You got that right Nuggie!
So THAT’S why we’re all a little cray cray!? The planets DO make a difference … people do act funny when there’s a full moon … when mercury is in retrograde WATCH OUT … things ALWAYS seem to go wrong, miscommunications and otherwise. That’s why I always just go with it and enjoy the ride!! Thanks for a great food for thought (as always!).
Yes Suzie… this is why…. OY.
All planets go through retrograde..and Mercury is a light one about communication. All people no doubt do the same…it is doing something over in order to proceed…two steps forward, one step back style. The planet only appears to be in reverse, because it is relative to the earth’s orbit….the persons are also involved in archetypal orbit issues…
Well… that makes sense Pamela. I THINK.
I totally believe in Retrograde – everytime I see a pile-up of cars on the side of the road, or my emotions are completely out of whack, I look it up. Sure enough, 99.9% of the time – Mercury is in retrograde!! P.S. It only happens like 3 times a year, so….
It seems like way more than 3x a year Kelly. Are you SURE?
I think I am always in a state of retrograde. lol
yep… you probably are Luke.
I don’t know anything about Mercury and Retrograde but last week my iPhone went totally insane. It began trying to Facetime everyone in my contact list…that was embarrassing, opened random apps or generally refused to respond. At the same time my Mac laptop and Microsoft Word decided to not play nice. They were so bad I had to put them in time out for a whole day. I won’t go into the kind of irrational state I was in because of all this. HaHa.
It was Mercury’s fault, Onisha.
I think Mercury goes into retrograde because he wears those funny little winged shoes and winged helmet. Anyone who dresses like that deserves to have a bad day. Very funny blog, Lisa. You always give my day a smile to help me get through it.
HA! Never thought of that! LOL 🙂
My iphone went retrograde for a while yesterday…turning it off and on again soon sorted it out.
that cannot be retrograde James! LOL! It would never be that easy!
This sounds similar to when there’s a full moon. My kids go CrAzY and I can’t think of any other reason why! Hope your retrograde doesn’t last any longer than a full moon 😉
TRUTH. The two could be related!
I know the moon and tides impact people….I worked in a psychiatric hospital and we def. knew when it was a full moon! There”s still so much we don’t understand about how our own bodies work!
Our bodies are mostly water. The moon affects the ocean and bodies of water…. so there ya go. LOL
You know, I don’t know if it’s retrograde or what, but there are times when a group of perfectly normal people are all “off.” Something is happening… just what, I’m not entirely sure.
I just told you what, Elyse. LOL!!!!