That old song “turn turn turn” by the Byrds so resonates with me… (lyrics here). I have been living and breathing the “time to cry” or “weep” part for many months now, and DAMMIT I AM TIRED OF IT. It’s time to laugh people.
Here is my encouragement to you – because I am on a roll right now and resolved with my truly positive thoughts (heh heh):
Shed the weight of things past: disappointment, loss, poverty, fatigue, apathy… and get up and LIVE life.
BREATHE EVERY MOMENT of life in and smile.
Whatever your demon, it is time to let it GO!
KICK ITS ASS and get rid of it.
That “thing” that has beset you and changed the YOU that you know and love — well, it has no more real estate in your life. Evict it, and renovate and redecorate your life, and get on with it. Okay? No excuses. It is time to live FEARLESSLY. Just do it.
That’s what I’m going to do. Starting with GLOW – this weekend in Santa Monica – an all night celebration of art and people.
My sister Maven would soooo approve, and guess what? In honor of her, I am movin’ on and movin’ up.
As for you my pretties? Get out there this weekend and get your GLOW on. I actually care for all of you – and hope only the absolute BEST for each and every one of you!
Love you people! Mmmmmmphhhhuuuhhhhh!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
I am totally in! Today is a new beginning! Gonna have some fun, live hard, love harder! Thanks for the reminder sistah! Love you!!!!!!
Awesome! ROCK it sister!!