No, not THOSE twins!
- I say this on Twitter, and I’ll say it again “Get your mind out of the gutter… it’s blocking my view!”
No – this is about J-Lo doing Gucci ads with her twins!
No, not THOSE twins. Her KIDS, people (refer to bullet point above)!
Basically J-Lo is modeling with her kids Max and Emme for Gucci. They’re cute and all, but tell me – what do you think? I think J-Lo is one HOT mom, and hey – more power to her! If she wants to expose her kids to modeling and such, that’s fine by me, though I’m sure she isn’t wondering what I think.
Hey, it’s not like the kids don’t see cameras and press everywhere they go anyway.
But enough about what I think. This is a hot button for many – especially in the wake of all the very sad teen suicides and bullying. Parents, single moms, single men and women — it seems everyone has an opinion of how kids should be raised.
What’s yours? Inquiring minds what to know.
(You can read all about the Gucci campaign here. but be sure to post your thoughts here!)
Can’t wait to hear what you have to say!
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
Love you people! Mmmmphhhuuuhhh!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
I don’t know… I think those kids are going to have a hard enough time adjusting just BEING J-Lo and Marc Anthony’s kids… add to that the entitled and privileged attitude that can come when they start seeing even the tiniest amount of success getting attention from modeling, and geez… like Dennis Leary said, they are destined to crash and burn… famous kids, that is.
I sort of agree with Tonya, though I have had plenty of experience with my kids and their own aspirations of modeling and/or tv… It wasn’t really them — they just wanted to have money to go buy a new toy for themselves or whatever… but they did do well at it. Tough one.
Though I do not think these kids will be in danger of being victims to bullies… I think their body guards will help stave off any possibility of that.
Tonya – Thanks for stopping by! New to Ms. Cheevious – eh? But thanks for the interesting comment. I know that Denis Leary shtick… I read his book and did a review on it here – “Why We Suck” – I tend to agree, though not straight across the board… I think some kids can grow up and be fairly well adjusted in famous families… Hell, so many monsters come out of what is suppose to be “ordinary” society, I’d tend to err on the side of fame on this one! ha ha
Mariann – thank you as well! My kids both did modeling and commercials, and I have to say, one of them was much more geared toward it than the other. My younger son started to cry in the middle of the shoot… I felt horrible – and that was the last photo shoot he did.