Ms. Cheevious Note: This week, I’m happy to welcome and introduce you to Karen M. Soto. Karen is fairly new to the blogging community, but is a Ms. Cheevious Power Player to the Nth degree as you will see from her bio at the bottom of this post! Here, she’s offered her heartfelt article “We Can’t All Be Nelson Mandela.” In it she proceeds to tell us just how we can come close.
Please read, enjoy, “Share” (hit the share button and post it everywhere) and Tweet to your heart’s content about this thoughtful article. Let’s show Karen how we do things here on MsCheevious.com.
Lisa Jey Davis, Editor in (Mis) Chief
We cannot all be Nelson Mandela, but each and every one of us was born with specific passions and unique experiences. Think about your own life, future and possibilities.
What excites you?
What do you feel passionate about?
What is life worth living for?
What in your life is worth changing or sacrificing for?
I shared my answers below (please share yours in the comments as well):
What excites you? Motivating, empowering and providing others with the proper tools to make transformations. Being inspired by what others have created or accomplished.
What do you feel passionate about? Sharing stories of people who take action every day and make their dreams come true. “Creating” — whether through words or visual arts.
What is worth living for? The possibility of a husband and children. My current family / friends in my life. Also, people I have yet to encounter, who will have a positive impact on me (or vice versa). I may meet someone through one random conversation, and I may never truly know or see them again, but the impact could still be the same.
What in your life is worth changing or sacrificing for? My family, friends and the world are worth changing and sacrificing for (as will my husband and children be, whenever that happens). I acknowledge there are things I have done in the past that have not worked for me. Now I can only afford to take calculated risks. My time is limited, and there is no time for fucking up. I have decided that from this day forward I cannot risk even the remote possibility of destroying my relationships or credibility / accountability in any of the projects that I am working on.
An example of change is even something as simple as health. I grew up in Ohio eating fast food everyday. People in the midwest are on the meat and potatoes diet, where potatoes are counted as a vegetable. I have been on the west coast now for eight years and realize that with all of the people I love in my life, especially my future children, that I can (or should) no longer eat selfishly, as if I am the only one that matters. I need to start thinking about how I impact others. If I can live a healthier life with a meticulous diet, exercise, and meditation, which I have control over, I can possibly prolong my life by more than a decade. I know that I feel best when I eat a primarily vegetarian and gluten / dairy free diet, with a lot of freshly squeezed vegetables. This is a change that has been challenging for me, but it is an example of one I can make.
Imagine you are at the end of your life reflecting on your past. Do you want to look back realizing you never stretched your limits, never focused on your vision? Have the courage to listen to your soul.
Some of you have been fortunate to have one passion and to be focused on it since the time you were born. For me, it took a little longer to find passion and focus.
Remember this quote of Nelson Mandela: “There is no passion to be found playing small… in settling for a life that is less than one you are capable of living…”
Although we can’t really be Nelson Mandela… we can reflect on our lives now and make changes, if necessary.
Write out and answer the questions above so your thoughts can be clear. And play big.
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Karen M, Soto is the co-founder of Modern Nerd Apparel and The Sassy Six. She is also involved within her community as a co-host of the Venice Tech Entrepreneurs and Beach Reach (Heal the Bay). As an independent contractor for small businesses, start-ups and non profits, Karen wears many hats. Her jobs entail anything from copywriting, blogging, graphic design, illustration, wordpress, social media, SeO, project management, PR, marketing, strategy, promotions to everything in between.
In the past Karen has done print and commercial work for clients such as Nike, UFC and MGM. She still occasionally picks up a modeling gig here and there when the opportunity arises. Down to play beach volleyball or talk technology, you can find her online via @KARENMSOTO /KARENMSOTO or riding her beach cruiser on L.A.’s “Westside” on the way to a local coffee shop.
Website: www.KarenMSoto.com I TheSassySix.com I ModernNerdApparel.com I TheArtistKarenSoto.com
Twitter: @KarenMSoto
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarenMSoto
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My Blog Talk Radio Interview with my Dr. Lisa Cassileth. Go there now!
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You can also follow my man M.C. Nugget on Twitter, and NOW on his Facebook Page!
All Blog content copyright 2012, LISA JEY DAVIS aka Ms. Cheevious
I love that quote~ and I am ALL ABOUT “Playing Big” — as they say “small minded people” – well I just don’t have time for them… Thank you for the post Karen! We are thrilled to have you here on MsCheevious.com!
Thanks for having me Ms. Cheevious!!!
I really love this concept of reflecting on your life, living big and understanding your overall impact…even by the way you eat. Awesome blog!
Thanks Kristian! I agree! 🙂
Thank you Kristian!
I love that you included your health as an example of change. Taking care of yourself by eating healthy food means you’ll be in good shape for when you do want to make a difference in your community. Cool post, thanks Karen!
Thanks for stopping over Angela! We love Karen!
Thanks Angela – diet is always a constant challenge!
It is so true that people tend to forget that everything in life is a choice no ifs, buts or maybes! So great to make us stop and reflect on these choices. Love the article Karen. I’m excited by people like you…after my own heart!
thanks Kylie! love the comment… we love and are excited by Karen too! ♥ ♥
Thank you Kylie!
you people are good people…. loving your comments and your show of support for the lovely Karen Soto! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Love the quote Karen! Reminds me of one of my favorites… “A ship in port is safe but that’s not what ships are BUILT FOR” … Everyone has the potential to create what they desire, but realizing and remembering that can be a challenge sometimes. Thanks for reminding us, great post!
Hey Gina! Thanks for stopping by! xo
Thanks Gina for commenting and sharing the quote!
Awesome reminder of how important it is to be aware of ourselves and make changes when necessary!
Thanks for swinging by Susie 🙂
Thanks Susie! Always good to see you here!
Love this blog! I’m one of those that took longer to find my passion and focus in life. But now that I have I am constantly reminding myself to play big! If I can dream it, I can create it! Thanks for reminding me of that, Karen!
Thanks Leyla for commenting… I am a firm believer in dream it: create it reality… you go girl. Thanks for the niceties about the blog! XO