King, frog, man or woman… you name it. If it’s got Jameson’s Irish Whiskey or Cognac in it, we’re good.
~ The Nugget
My Zany Years Spent Working in Tinsel Town
by MsCheevious
by MsCheevious
Today M.C. Nugget was kind enough to offer to wash my car. This is something I always accept with glee. I often add a token grin and run over to throw my arms around him too.
But you see, this was BIG for me. Because even though I am a clean person, for some reason I don’t get around to washing my car often. I’m not sure why, because when I owned my own condo, my place was always immaculate and presentable enough even for pesky surprise guests. But when it comes to my car it’s bad. Really bad. It’s like a mental block.
The only problem was he wanted to wash my car at a time when I needed to go to a nearby pilates studio and “observe” an exercise class by one of my favorite instructors. (I planned to steal her routine and use parts of it in my classes).
Have I told you what a good guy Nuggie is?
I suggested with a coy little grin how we could possibly still make everything work, if he were to one-up his favor and drop me off near said exercise class.
He did.
He’s a good guy, you guys.
I went to observe the class dressed in my workout attire, because… duh. I’m an instructor extraordinaire.
The class is taught on these machines that doll out pain from hell… much like these below:
I arrived, and my friend welcomed me with “You can drop into class if you like, because I have one machine open.”
I immediately jumped at that, because when this happens, and you’re offered a FREE CLASS, you just DO IT.
The thing I hadn’t factored in was my walk home afterward, in the HOT sunshine.
Don’t anybody panic for me. I know you were already beading up with sweat over this, but I was FINE.
I got home and proceeded to eat a healthy Weight Watcher’s Smart One (a favorite of mine). I hadn’t eaten all day, and it was afternoon before I got home.
It was yummy and all, but I was HUNGRY.
Somehow, when I am tired and depleted from a rigorous workout something this always happens: Peanut Butter popped into my mind.
I know. Not the healthiest of foods when one is in a constant war against hormonal weight gain.
But PEANUT BUTTER was there, and it wasn’t leaving.
So, I caved people. I walked into my kitchen, slathered a bit on half a banana, and didn’t stop there. I took a piece of bread and slathered that crunchy peanut butter all over it and gobbled it down.
But let’s look on the bright side: For those times when I’m TRYING to gain weight, I’ve got a very quick, easy solution: PEANUT BUTTER… and lots of it.
by MsCheevious
by MsCheevious
I got my Ms. Cheevious “teal” charm bracelet today! I’m SUPER excited too because it will help to save lives (in its own little way). I was so excited I made THIS VIDEO below. Watching said video will enable you to “get” the my post title, but I will say this: #SaveTheOvaries #SaveTheWomen #SaveTheHumanRace
I’m happy that the video is TOTALLY fun, and encouraging… even though I am NOT very cool. Just watch and tell me what you think. I’ll owe you a piece of chocolate cake at least. Watching it is worth a piece of cake for sure.
by MsCheevious
by MsCheevious
Now DON’T BE SHY. READ THE WHOLE POST & LEAVE A REPLY at the bottom people.
I absolutely love to cook. And not in that, “Yeah… I’ll whip you up some scrambled eggs,” kind of “love to cook” way, either. Sure, I can make all of the basics and I often do, but I am a pretty good cook. I am thrilled to pieces when I’m dining at my favorite restaurant and experience something so incredibly delicious that I want to recreate it in my kitchen.
I do this often.
Often it works out exactly as I’d hoped. Sometimes it’s not so great, and still other times, I exceed my own expectations and am personally wowed. That’s when I pat myself on the back and proceed to forget everything I did to create the magic.
But it’s no small task recreating things you’ve had at one time in a great restaurant. You’ve got to possess some incredibly resilient taste buds with some kind of elephant memory or something.
On the other hand, it’s totally possible to wow the people you are feeding, without going all Julia Child on them. If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while, you should know this by now: If there is an easy way, I’m going to find it and do it, if I’m not already doing it.
Here’s a hint: This “wowing” is accomplished by cheating.
I do this often (also no surprise). Especially when I’m hungry and I run across an item that will provide me the “cheat” I’m looking for.
This brings me to the other day.
When I came home to cook dinner, I’d been at the market hungry and feeling creative. The plan was to make really great stir fry, but I just wanted a little something extra. I’d perused the aisles and came across frozen Chicken Shui Mai.
Do you know what this is, you guys? It’s a little wonton shaped food icon (if food possesses a weird shape, it’s a food icon, like the little twitter bird icon or the little man for “readit”).
These are Chicken Shui Mai icons.
Shui Mai is like a dumpling of YUMMINESS. And the frozen variety usually comes with dipping sauce (I highly recommend it from Trader Joe’s). Ignoring the directions on the package, because, hey – I’ve eaten this stuff. I’ve got this – I whipped out my skillet and sautéed those babies with fresh onion and garlic, a little salt and pepper… It wasn’t long before it was ready to present.
When I brought it out, announcing the Chicken Shui Mail to M.C. Nugget he asked, “Wow! What brings this on?”
“Is this the breakup meal?“
I laughed. The guy cracks me up. I can’t help it.
“No seriously! You know what they say… Chicken Shui Mai and it’s all over…”
Okay. This KILLED me! I was laughing, but I promised to stop making it.
It’s no longer known as the breakup meal.
It’s been requested for next Tuesday.
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#DailyMisChief, #Recipes, #Cooking, #Dating, #Breakup
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