We’re pleased to launch a new series for MsCheevious.com, entitled Things We Enjoyed This Week. (And by ‘we” of course, “we” mean me – Editor in (Mis) Chief, and primary writer here). This little nugget will come to you as frequent as those things we enjoy are revealed to us – and equally as seldom. Let’s try not to keep track, shall we?
Things We Enjoyed This Week – The Week of August 26, 2012
September’s Esquire Magazine
Recent issue read, cover-to-cover: September 2012, Volume 153, No. 2
Why: It’s intelligent, interesting and doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s also environmentally friendly (in this month’s note from David Granger, Editor in Chief, he cleverly wove his obsession with energy into an interesting and witty introduction of an article on the United States’ use of oil and the tar sands. Sounds dry, but he forayed that into a teaser-finish on a article still brewing about natural gas, and, he was able to “still be crazily entertaining.”).
One Thing We Especially Liked: Esquire Indulges, page 42
It’s a page devoted to requests by readers, and this little gem shows up in the Front of Book, which means there’s a boat load of good, meaty reading to follow.
Kudos to the magazine for recognizing that its writers and editors don’t hold an exclusive on good ideas.
Our favorite from this page? Recent Birth Announcements by A.J. Jacobs.
Jacobs brings little known current events as well as social mores or cultural quips to our attention in the form of witty birth announcements (Below are re-config’d samples – a cheap attempt at replicating what you will see in the magazine):
There’s bouncing baby boy “My Grudge” –
And little whipper snapper “Sin” –
To see what’s in the issue in a nutshell go to the Esquire Magazine website:
Stay tuned for more of the Things We Enjoyed This Week, and perhaps something entirely different.
Enjoy Every Moment my lovelies.
Ms. Cheevious
Editor in (Mis) Chief
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All Blog content copyright 2012, LISA JEY DAVIS aka Ms. Cheevious
This week I read “I am Jennie”. I am seldom at a loss for words. Plainly, it is a book you cannot put down. I am not recuperating from a porn life nor a
broken family (at least when I was in it) nor from alcoholism nor from drug
abuse nor from many love breakups nor from self-loathing nor from fame. But her story and need for cure hinges in
great part on her realization that she has avoided intimacy. Not trusting herself and not trusting others,
she bolts and injures when the going gets too close. Tell me about it. Two intimacy free emotionally safe marriages. Viewing the world through the isolation of
math, physics and aphorisms. Enough
said. You know the picture. A horrible frightening
realization. For me a tough, personal
If you don’t have a copy, I would like to send you mine,
postage prepaid. I trust you. J
Wow Eaeme! Sounds interesting! I have not read it, and don’t have a copy… but you do not have to send me your copy! 🙂 I appreciate that! I will put it on my list of must-reads, based on your recommendation! Thanks!
It’s in the mail, capisci?
haha. well oKAY then! LOL
No return wanted. Keep or pass it on.
this was a funny post. Isn’t Esquire a magazine addressed to a male audience?
Why yes it is Cinta! But (read the sarcasm here) I have been known to have way more than my share of testosterone…! LOL! But I love it just the same. The writing is exquisite, intelligent and funny! 🙂
Fabulous! I love anything that is intelligent, interesting, and doesn’t take itself seriously. 🙂 The “birth announcements” are brilliant. Thanks for sharing, Ms. Cheevious.
Thanks Elise! I love this magazine… had to share!
Great work, Miss. Never been much of a male mag reader myself, so I’ll just stick to your posts I think.
Why thank you Stephen… My posts are all anyone really ever needs. LOL (just kidding, of course…)
Great post! Personally, I like the “My Grudge”. If that really happened, I would find myself back at the store, buying more of the same. Weird looking, indeed. 🙂
YEAH! Or PUMMELING the guy… right?
I am now going to be hooked on the “Birth Announcements”! What a great post, Miss C!
well… shucks… thanks! HEH HEH
Given the fact that it took me several hours to post this comment, I’d like to announce the birth of My Perseverance. Mother and baby happily smile from behind the screen. Even after this post got erased by mistake…
Awww Monica… thank you so much… and chocolates/diapers on the way! LOL
LOL! I love this. I saw my sister for the first time in 6 months and received her usual generous welcome: “Oh you would look so lovely if those bags under your eyes didn’t make you look so tired.” Ummm… thanks? (Grudge born once every 6 months 🙂
HA! Now THAT is funny! LOL
LOL … I love scrolling through men’s magazines just to find out what women REALLY want … just in case I missed something! Great post!!
haha… me too! thanks again you DIVA-LICIOUS you! xo
OMG I loved the birth announcements! Classic! Thumbing through men’s magazines is WAY more interesting than anything you’ll find in Cosmo. Great post @Mscheevious:disqus
why thank you loveley @twitter-188465138:disqus! I think men’s mags rock too!