So…. How do I put this?
Ever since I lost my ovaries I’ve been a little less energetic than normal.
Let me be more specific.
I was less than energetic until a couple of weeks ago (downright exhausted – like all the damn time). It’s important to know that this is an extreme departure from the “normal” me. Like – if the perfect Mormon missionary suddenly woke up and threw on a pair of buttless jeans – extreme departure. Normal me could be up drinking, laughing, dancing and telling indecipherable, but hilarious-in-the-moment jokes until 3 AM and still wake up at 7 AM to get working on that world-saving serum I had cooking in my lab (if I had a lab, or cooked serums). I attributed my listlessness to the fact my hormones were askew and it was a simple fact of life: I would be exhausted all the time unless the pills and tinctures my doctors prescribed started to work their magic.
This week, a couple of pivotal events occurred that were different:
Earlier this week the blonde me “decided” to revamp the Ms. Cheevious website. You are reading this on that website right now (in case you didn’t know this… unless you subscribe to Ms.Cheevious and were lucky enough to get this in your inbox… in which case, click here to visit my work of art). I did it in one day. Well… a full twenty-four hour period in which I never slept, and was never tired.
When I crawled in bed at 5 AM I was still not very tired, and all I could think was Damn, I may not wake up until noon which will screw up my whole schedule.
I woke up at 9 AM and was full of energy. I went back to work on more fun website stuff and stayed up again until midnight (I’ll be working on this new design and updating old posts until I’m using a walker to sexy dance for M.C. Nugget. Don’t laugh. I think I’m super sexy when I pull out my best Michael Jackson and deliver a flawless moonwalk. Could be tough in a walker, but I’ll get an A for effort.).
The next day, M.C. left town and I was up early, working. I never stopped to work out, make healthy food (which means I ate crap all day/week), watch the news or anything, before I was working again until midnight, and had to be up at 6 AM.
When 6 AM arrived… well, it didn’t really “arrive.” I woke up before the alarm went off (this is NOT okay), and stayed up working until 2:20 AM the next day – again without blinking an eye.
I think it’s safe to say
the hormones are working their magic now.
It’s a little scary. It’s like I can’t get tired. I have to think this is what it’s like to be on crack… you know, minus the crack. But I guess I’m back to normal!
(you email list peeps: don’t be shy… leave a reply)
I sincerely hope not! I still have all my lady bits and I still do ridiculous things like this. Well, almost. I DO still get tired as all get out but I pull all nighters anyway and then still don’t sleep in.
I think it’s less crack whore and more hard working badass! 🙂
Well – Pfff! Duh… badass is inferred Ms. Jewels (sarcasm intended of course). But thank you! XX
I know exactly how you feel. Went down the road of loosing ovaries and is it ever a trip…lol
what a great way to describe it. Yes, it is a trip Susan. Thanks for that!
I’m exhausted just reading this! ha ha! Very funny post!
Thanks Lulu! XXX
Strange! I’ve felt that way several times when the Creative Muse invades my body and takes control. When I redesigned my website (http://www.bobnailor.com) at first, it was just going to be a simple upgrade to make it look a little better. THEN somewhere I got this idea to include my “editor” page and yes, the madness struck and I decided to combine my “speaker” page with the previous two and make it all interact. It was an adrenalin rush. I spent all my time working furiously on the design, coding this and coding that to make it all inerface and appear like 3 different webpages, yet be one. I still have some magic I want to incorporate but that will be later when the body has fully recovered from this last soul-draining barrage. You have my sympathy. There was no sleep – I found solace and rest between breaths. And renewed energy in those ah-ha moments of cognizant realizations.
see? you get it Bob! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
LOL, Ms. Cheevious. It’s 7:35 a.m. and you’ve exhausted me. I think I need a nap. 😉 Seriously, you’re stressing out the mom in me. I freak about not enough sleep, just like I freak when my kids aren’t eating enough fresh stuff (I get CRAZY about that). Hope you get a refreshing 8 hours of sleep soon. Ms. Cheevious’s brain, stop foolin her. She needs sleep!
why thank you for giving my brain a piece of your mind Elise! LOL!!! Love your comment… hate that I stressed you. awe… there there…
I’m thinking they might need to adjust your dosages 😉 Just sayin’! Also, you realize if you don’t get enough REM sleep, you’ll begin to hallucinate. You might start thinking you really ARE Michael Jackson, an Nugget might become Bubbles!
Ha Alan! I appreciate your concern… I think it’s adrenaline that makes me do those project-blitzes… this is how I was pre-hormone therapy… yeah… scary.
When I pinned this on Pintrest. It pinned with description “crack whore” LOL
haha – yep Charity… that’s what I originally titled the post.. When I think I may be a “Crack Whore” but I just didn’t think too many people would be able to tweet that. HA!
I have the hormones, I want those “tinctures” and I want them NOW!
HA! Onisha darling, I don’t think they would have the same effect if you took them. LOL!
Wow..You really have some turbo engine hiding there..hehehehe!!
Go,go,go,go,go..Energy is good! Boost hormones are great eh? hehehe!
I bet that M.J’s moonwalk was a success!! Now..Where’s my coffee?? lol!!!
HA! Yup. I need mine right now too. Thanks Manolis for stopping by & commenting!
So let me get this straight; get your female body parts removed, have a couple weeks with no energy, (the perfect amount of time to be lazy at the beach), hormones eventually start to kick in, and the creative blitz hits you like a freight train, giving you the energy you need. Hmmm, where do I sign up?
All funniness aside, I am glad you’re doing well. Being healthy is the key thing for all of us.
Well my dearest, it was more like a year and a half before the hormone concoction was set straight and I got my energy back. And, yes… healthy is grand.
I think I need to get me some of them, there pills! LMAO! I totally get pumped when doing Geekalicious works! But remember: the mind may be able to run on empty by the bod is going to need some rest! Peace, love, and all that other stuff! xoxo
haha Marrie – why yes… I definitely need to recharge the batteries. This is for SURE!
I need some of what you’re having! It’s great when we get these crazy energetic moments … talk about being productive! Site looks great and can’t wait to see what’s coming next!! But do make sure to have some relax time to recharge those batteries!!
ahhh Diva my darling… you are the ever-ready-bunny of blogging! How can this be that you need more energy? I will definitely be relaxing and recharging soon love! xo