Okay – so I’m not perfect. Yep I ate ’em. I ate an entire single serving bag of Lays Potato Chips and two (count ’em, TWO) Krispy Creme Donuts last night, right before bed. That doesn’t count the half a bottle of red wine and vodka martini I drank throughout the course of my seven hour evening. Lesson learned? Don’t drink and diet. Ha!
If this is your first time stopping by Ms. Cheevious’ blog, welcome. We’re in the midst of a weight loss challenge. You’d never know it would you? This week I am traveling, so the post is brief and to the point – but let’s face it. It’s all part of the journey. If you’d like to see how this challenge began, go to the first post in this series: I’m a Thin, Light, Lean Mean Machine Don’tcha Know? You’ll get an idea of what’s going on in here. It’s mayhem, I tell you. Pure mayhem.
As to my recent reckless indulgence? No excuses. It was the end to a very tiring week of travel, conferences, and being “on” 24/7. What made it even more difficult was that my futile attempts at staying on course (which actually were not futile until last night) were met with comments like “You don’t even have anything on you to pinch!” or “You will blow away!” Which is ridiculous. I could wrestle any of them to the ground in about three seconds flat and hold them there as long as I wanted – except for that little thing. That tiny little morsel of truth that rears its ugly head just before you grab the other person, slam them to the floor and sit on them, holding them there until they cry uncle (I know you are asking how I conjured up such a vivid description, when little ole me could never do something so “manly.” Think Daisy Duke. It’s in all of us. Females all have a little Daisy Duke, even if it’s buried under generations of frumpiness). It’s that eency weency bit of wisdom that stops you and informs you that “they” probably wouldn’t be too into being wrestled to the ground (not that I am. No really, I’m not. I swear).
I am writing from the road to say “All is fair in love and war. And healthy eating.” Some more personal favorites: “Nobody is perfect,” “You never know what’s coming around the corner,” and “Life is What You Make of It.” Oh, and another great one: “No one gets out of this alive.” How’s that for a golden nugget?
“Nobody is perfect” is important though. It is not just a little adage for the day, to post over your work station. It’s the truth. I am certainly not perfect. Still, I try. Don’t you stop trying, either. Let’s all continue in our delusional states, shall we? Ignorance is Bliss. Okay, enough of the cheesy cliches.
But, when ya’ gotta have that raspberry filled Krispy Creme Donut, even though you NEVER eat them when you are sane, ya’ just gotta have it. You know what I mean? HA!
I’ll weigh in and resume my pristine, precise and orderly communication next week. But here is to YOU. It’s a bumpy road out there with long, winding turns, and only those who can maneuver with finesse will succeed while surviving those twists and turns! You can do this thing called life, and you can do it with incredible success. I know I can, and will – dammit. So, enjoy the rest of your week!
xoxo – Ms. Cheevious
OH! PS) I lost two more pounds after last week’s post. I’m sure I gained them back this week, but stay tuned. I’ll let you know more of how I battled my way into my summer suit and became king of the hill next week. Also, I’m about to provide my entire eating regime over the last few weeks so you can see how it really comes together! I’m excited for what’s in store! Again – Here’s to YOU!!
Blog content copyright 2008, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
Glad to hear that I’m not the only person who indulges on the foods in moments of weakness, that I normally never allow to pass my lips. Keep up the good work!
at least you got it out of your system…now you can move on with even more zest…with all that sugar in ya!
If I had a krispy cream right now I would eat it in your honor!
I bought one of those scales that tells your body composition the other day… I’m afraid to read the instructions! Some things are better left to the unknown (I’m pms-ing, can you tell?) Next week I return to my convictions. Glad to hear I’m not the only one raiding the fridge in moments of weakness.
Oh my gosh – you are all sooo funny! Thanks for your encouragement and comments. I’m glad I’m not the only one too. Funny how that works doesn’t it? We get absorbed in our own little worlds and truly think we are the only ones to go through certain things, or to be ridiculously stupid, or utterly indulgent at times! Well, I’m proof positive it’s not the case.
I just opened a bag of Lays’ Jalepeno chips and if 1/4 of the bag was filled with chips that was pushing it. How disappointing.
funny… they do that don’t they?