Oh yes. I am loving every single, itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, tiny little HO (and the big fat mama jamma HO’s too).
And no, we’re not talking about “Ho”s” from the hood. Get a grip here.
It’s the Ho-Ho-Holidays, after all — as in CHRISTMAS — this coming SATURDAY people! Ohhhhh yeeaaaahh. I’m psyched.
I adore the holidays. I don’t care about the crowds, the traffic, the frenzied rush to get everything done for work and play… It all signifies just how truly important this holiday IS to others as well as to me…
So, though I did HOLLAH-BACK something like “Oh YEAH? HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU TOO YA BIG JERK!!!” at the very angry driver who screamed untold expletives at me while I waited for a parking space recently, I won’t let it get me down. I hope he doesn’t either. Well, actually – screw him. He can eat burnt cookies for all I care, the big SCROOGE. And, if by some miraculous chance, the shoe is on the other foot, and I, Ms. Cheevious, happen to be the big Scrooge, I will gladly eat burnt cookies. (Of course, that doesn’t mean much to me since I like cookies of all varieties — from uncooked, raw dough… all the way to dark and crispy).
But I do absolutely love the music, those old (and some new) movies, old television shows, the baking that is making everyone that I know and love a few ounces heavier! Ha ha. Why? Because… it’s THE HOLIDAYS!!! Time to let go, unwind, enjoy yourself, and spread the good cheer, peace, love, generosity and good will to everyone you see.
‘Nuff said.
So, I’m sharing the things that I LOVE the most about the holidays – one for each of the HO HO HO’s of Christmas (count ’em – THREE).
HO # 1:
I LOVE being a sneaky, spy-girl little elf. Plotting and planning and sneaking around over the holidays — and it’s all about my peeps — finding a special something for them, and surprising them with it. The joy or surprise, or whatever the intended reaction was, that comes over their face, when they finally GET what I’ve given is what I live for. Precious. It’s especially fun to do those Secret Santa exchanges. I am notorious for going all spy-girl, stealthy on people. I go to great lengths to divert attention away from me and on to other poor saps as the possible SS. But nope. I’m never found out.
HO #2:
I LOVE being the most AWESOMEST Christmas DJ… finding new and cool music for the holidays like THIS. Check it out! (It’s by Kay Starr – the Stuhr Remix).
I guarantee you will NOT be disappointed!
I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm
When you click on the link, it should open a new window and then a little audio player on the page will show up, and you should click on the play triangle button.
And finally…
drum roll please…
The very thing I love the most is…
HO #3:
I LOVE making the holidays ROCK… doing whatever possible … for my two sons, my lovely man and family — whatever it takes, I want them to experience the magic — of friends, family and of course – REALLY AWESOME presents (even if they are simply well-stated sentiments in a lovely card).
That’s it. I’m done.
Have a very Merry Christmas you sexy ladies and suave gentlemen!
Stay tuned for a Rockin’ New Year’s post, and PUH-LEAZZ – stay safe, warm and KIND this week! Do what you can to NOT become a SCROOGE!
Love you people! Mmmmmmpppphhhuuuuhhhhhh!!!!!
Ms. Cheevious
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Blog content copyright 2009, LISA JEY DAVIS a.k.a. Ms. Cheevious
hey girl,
Merry Christmas to you, your man and your family! HO HO HO away you go – can’t wait for the News Years post — you always get into trouble rocking the new year!!!!:-)