This is going to be brief (not). We are far too busy during the holidays to sit around reading random posts by aspiring writers (even if they’ve just published a book on Amazon for Kindle – oh yeah… uh huh…). But I wanted to get this off to you quickly… before the Hanukkah and Christmas decorations were yanked off the walls and the New Year’s Eve celebrations and the endless professions of New Year’s Resolutions began.
You know, I’m not much on making resolutions. I’ve got enough lists of things to do, one of which is my list of lifelong and short-term goals. I am so damn goal-oriented, I get overwhelmed looking at how long my list of goals has become.
That said, I’m not living under a rock, and I see your tweets and Facebook posts. I see what you share with me in your circles. I realize everyone is thinking in these last few days of the year about New Year’s Resolutions.
So I’m going to provide you my giant list of Goals or Resolutions for the coming year (there are two), and I’m double-timing the list. It will also serve as a list of great date ideas for you and any significant other you choose, or happen to be with, in 2013. I love killing two birds with one stone. So instead of hitting the Hot or Not or Tinder app you single wild-things, try THIS. And this first one might feel a little harsh, but that’s what resolutions are for.
My Resolution: This past year I went through a TON of crap, surgically, physically, mentally, emotionally… you name it. I also have deep emotions about food and booze. I’m in love with both of them. It’s a sordid love triangle. If I need to feel the love, I allow myself more indulgence than is generally necessary. So, come January, (after the New Year’s holiday travel), I’ll be lean, and dry, eating organically as much as possible, and drinking all non-alcoholic beverages. I plan to do this for at least a month. Stay tuned on that.
Your Date: Similar to me, many of you have experienced your own share of CRAP. Only yours may have been with the opposite sex. If that is the case, do a cleansing ritual of your own (perhaps burn their names on little tiny pieces of paper and send their ashes down the toilet). Then do us all a favor (yourself mostly) and vow to have a closed door policy on your life, would you? At least in regard to Mr. or Ms. Charming. Unless he or she does what they should to be granted admittance, don’t let that door creak open. Trust me. You’ll be surprised and delighted. Once you are surprised and delighted, let them in, and you can continue the cleansing as follows:
Take a BATH together baby. You and your date should seek out a cool bath house, a hot springs spa, outdoor pools, or simply fill the backyard (or indoor) Jacuzzi! Then jump in and enjoy. Bring the strawberries and wine or champagne. Just because I am abstaining from alcohol, doesn’t mean you must.
My Resolution: For the same reasons listed above, my daily workout regimen has suffered greatly. I’m feeling more these days like a bobble-body than a svelte, lean, mean fighting machine (which I vehemently prefer). Play time is OVER. Time to get back to it, and at LEAST 3 times per week, at that. This starts the same time as the cleansing. Yes. It’s on. (And yes, I will probably be doing my yoga practice which is in my new book on Amazon — yeeeeee!!!!)
Your Date: We could figuratively go to a wide array of places with this one… have sex frequently (I love that one), go to the gym together… But how about you go out for a long walk or hike? Next time, ride bikes. Don’t own one? Take a drive to the nearest bike-friendly location and rent them for the day. If bikes aren’t your thing, there are any number of alternatives: roller skating, blading, skateboarding, exercise your mind playing chess in the park. Pick an exercise and do it together!
That’s all I got for ya‘. I told you it would be brief. Now, if you are so inclined, I’d love for you to find my books on Amazon for the Kindle, Kindle Fire and Kindle Fire HD. Don’t have a Kindle? It’s okay! Amazon has a free Kindle Reader for your computer. Click here to see my books, and if you choose to purchase one for a buck, ninety-nine, there should be an option to download Kindle for PC or Mac.
Have a beautiful, fun, safe New Year’s Eve celebration lovely ladies and gentlemen! I’ll be in touch very soon!
#MomFactor: If you’re a single mom, all of the above applies to you. And I MEAN THAT. Get out there and date, lady! If you aren’t single, get out there with your significant other and DATE lady!
Great tips!! Definitely worth using the new year for a fresh, clean start … out with the old in with the new!! I did intend to trade my ex-husband in for a newer, younger model … maybe this is the year to do it!!
@singledatingdiva:disqus Good thinking! It’s DEFINITELY time for a trade up… 🙂
Ah, scenes change with age.
Dates now grow on palms and dating is a harvesting process. Dealing with 50 to 60 years of fading, forgotten memorabilia and stuffed/stacked/buried things (i.e., “crap”) is more than one can fathom – let the kids do something with it when I’m gone. And “Romance” and “Sex” – just give me a break. Exercise is motivated by the Harvard Pamphlet “Strength and Endurance at any Age,” but they call 65 OLD! They gotta catch up.
Resolve to be an inspiration to others. Keep up the good work. I’ll keep reading. All the very best – 新年快乐 !!
Miss you.
Eaeme! How did you learn to write in Chinese? Or is that Japanese? And what does it say? LOL I think 65 is the new 45… so that means YOU are still SUPER YOUNG! WOOHOO!!! Love you! Hope you are well! XOXO
When I retired in 1995 (and started to collect SS and pension) I thought a fun followon would be to teach English in China. Went to evening school at UCLA and got a cerrtification saying I was qualified to teach English as a second language. Went to El Camino three years to study Chinese. Spent a month in China working on pronunciation. Wife was never very enthusiastic and when I was ready we went and got a big dog. End of story. Very little left over except my Chinese word processor and a bunch of books. A remarkably easy language to forget. The printed phrase says “Xin nian kuai le”, meaning “New Year happpiness”. That’s it. I’m sending another story on your personal email later for further life’s life. The best to you and yours. E
awww… that’s too bad you couldn’t go for a while to teach. but spending a month in China to work on pronunciation is pretty damn cool too. Don’t live in regret… or minimize the beauty of life gained from your big dog purchase (HAHA). We see very dimly, and if we live in regret over anything, we expel a gross waste of energy that can be used for our next great task.
We were born to play this game of life. We were dealt a hand and drew a few cards of our own. We play to win, maybe not every
session, but on average it has been a lot better than break even. In truth I’m pretty well satisfied: luck has been overwhelmingly on my side (consider going to Harvard by accident), fascinating
enjoyable career, enduring marriage, healthy successful kids, promising grandkids, great health, comfortable retirement, and lovable friends like you. When things do go off the planned
path I take the Panglossian view, like I said, so far so good. When you get hit by a rogue wave (referring to my email story) it’s tougher but the same philosophy applies. I know you have been there too and look how well you do. So let me repeat for the both of us, “新年快乐”.
P.S. No regrets
Thanks EAEME! I have yet to have even a second to read your email story, but I am looking forward to it. Please do email me again, if you’ve not heard from me in the next couple of weeks on it. Work is ZANY right now! LOL
Oh and hey – you can romance yourself can’t you? Take yourself on a hike or a trip to a hot spring! Have fun with life… enjoy every moment… I know you do try. XO
Very Interesting!!
HAHA Sithan. You are very interesting! LOL
I love these! Great post!
Thanks Luann! XO